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Figuring Out What My Goals Are

Writer's picture: Lela MarieLela Marie

Updated: Jan 18, 2023

The first step to working toward your goals is to first identify what they are. If you don’t know what your goals are, it’s hard to know what you need to do in order to work toward and achieve them.

Do you ever feel as though everyone around you has a clear idea as to what goals they want to achieve and what they want their lives to look like, while you’re just here living moment to moment?

For years, I never knew what my goals were. I never knew what I wanted for my life and every time I read anything on setting goals and how to work toward achieving them, I would always draw a blank - to the point where I honestly thought that I had no goals, which I found to be very disheartening.

Don’t get me wrong, I’ve had goals throughout my life that I’ve worked toward – finishing high school, becoming an apprentice hairdresser, starting a course to become a building surveyor, completing a Diploma in Communication and Media in the hopes of writing for a magazine, then landing a job that I didn’t really care about just because it was there and I needed the money.

I then left that job to move to QLD and completed a course to become a certified holistic nutritionist during the Covid pandemic before landing another job that I just happened to apply for because it was there, and then, there I was wondering what was next.

Although all of these things may seem like a whole lot of wasted time, the good thing about each of these jobs was that I was able to learn what I do and do not want in a job.

When I started my hairdressing apprenticeship, my goal was to become a good enough hairdresser that I could eventually own my own salon and work for myself.

Although I now know that hairdressing is not for me (I discovered that I’m really good at the theory side but sadly, I suck when it comes to doing anything with hair!), I still really want to be my own boss and work for myself, so that hasn’t changed.

Becoming a building surveyor was not a job or an industry that I was really interested in (I was just kind of in the right place at the right time), but still continued the same theme – once I became qualified, there was a possibility that I could become my own boss and work for myself.

Disclaimer: I’m not actually a qualified building surveyor. I started my course, but never finished it because I just found the content waaaayyyyy too boring!

When I left that job to pursue a career working in the magazine industry, the job itself was definitely something that I could see myself doing, because I love writing, but I couldn’t bear the thought of writing about topics that I just wasn’t interested in because I had to.

When I decided that I wanted to pursue a career as a nutritionist, I found another passion, but was a little discouraged when I found out by talking to an actual nutritionist that apparently it isn’t really a high-enough-paying job (according to her, she was only able to survive because her husband had a really high-paying job) that I may be able to afford to do full-time (although I still haven’t completely written it off just yet!).

Now I’m at a point where I’m hoping that writing my own material about nutrition (amongst other health and wellbeing topics) could be what I’m meant to do with my life.

My other goals that tie in with this idea are my desire to live a healthy, holistic and more self-sufficient lifestyle where I grow, cook, and eat my own organic food, spend plenty of time in nature, get plenty of fun exercise, and have time to write and pursue my other creative hobbies.

I spent some time writing down what my goals are and small steps I can take in order to work toward these goals.

Throughout my blog series, I hope to include entries that document the way that I implement these changes and the way I work toward my goals and living the life that I want.

What are my goals?

My career goal is to write a successful blog on health, wellbeing, and chasing your dreams, as well as possibly starting a successful YouTube channel (even if only as a side-project) to complement my blog.

This goal appeals to me because I love to write, health and wellbeing is a subject that interests me greatly, and I’ve always wanted to do something that involves helping people in some way, shape, or form.

I’d love for my blog to be able to inspire people to chase their dreams and help them live a healthier, happier, more holistic lifestyle whether that’s due to learning from my mistakes, implementing my ideas, and/ or considering my advice.

I’d love for the message and vibe of my blog to be that if I can do it, anyone can do it - I'm here at my starting point as a regular, normal girl hoping to reach the goals that I have set for myself, even though I currently have only a very rough idea of where I'm headed and what I need to do to get there.

My life goals are to move into a nice house on acreage surrounded by nature where I can live an holistic lifestyle that involves growing my own food, getting plenty of exercise, living a healthy lifestyle, eating a mostly plant-based wholefoods diet, cooking, making, and preserving my own foods, living without harsh chemicals, making my own natural cleaning and beauty products, as well as having plenty of time to spend with family and friends, spend time in nature, and have enough time to enjoy and work on my creative hobbies.

Steps That I Intend To Take In Order To Work Toward These Goals:

  • Start adding to my savings account so that I am able to afford my dream property.

  • Keep reading articles, books, magazines, and blog posts on health and wellbeing, and maybe even take a few more courses to learn as much as I can so that I have more information to share and work with.

  • Start writing and posting blog entries (If you’re reading this, I’m pretty sure it’s safe to say that I can check this one off my list! 😊)

  • Start writing ideas for YouTube videos.

  • Learn how to use an SLR camera in order to add great pics to jazz up my blog.

  • Get video editing software and learn how to use it.

  • Start a YouTube channel.

  • Create a plan for healthy eating.

  • Start an exercise regime.

  • Find out what plants grow well in South East Queensland, where I live.

  • Learn how to grow my own food and harvest seeds.

  • Learn different methods of preserving different foods.

  • Learn to bake and cook foods from scratch.

  • Learn how to make natural cleaning products.

  • Learn how to make natural health and beauty products.

  • Find and buy the perfect property.

Although at a glance this may seem like quite a long list, these are just the small goals that I hope to achieve in order to reach my more major goals, which are – to grow, cook, and preserve my own organic food, live on acreage, start a successful blog, and YouTube channel, and live an active, healthy, holistic lifestyle.

What about you, do you have any goals that you are working toward? If so, what are they and what steps are you taking toward achieving them?

Or perhaps you’ve already achieved a major goal in your life that you’re proud of? If so, I’d love to hear all about it! 😊

Happy to have you here and I hope you have a great day/ night!

If you’d like to see more of my blog posts and follow along on my journey with me, please do me a big favour and be sure to subscribe! ❤️

You can also follow me on Instagram and Facebook 😉

Hope to have you back soon. Thanks for reading.

Lisa. 😊 xx

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2 commentaires

23 janv. 2023

my goal is go to bed on time. I don't ever get enough sleep but I can't help it

Lela Marie
Lela Marie
25 janv. 2023
En réponse à

It’s hard sometimes, isn’t it?

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